The game’s community managers run through the major changes in this video: There are also a bunch of feature teaser trailers on the game’s YouTube channel, but none of them can compare to the update 3 trailer, which is the only videogame patch trailer to give me chills. Update 4 adds too many features for to neatly summarise, even if I just focus on the flashiest. Let’s try, anyway. Hoverpacks are designed to make it easier to move around your base and survey your sprawling creations; drones help quickly move small amounts of resources around; lighting brightens up indoor and outdoor areas and can be customised if you’d like to bathe everything in purple; and particle accelerators form part of an re-work of tier 7 and 8 tech upgrades and the nuclear tools you can play with it. You can find the complete patch notes over on Reddit, which includes all the UI changes and quality-of-life tweaks as well. People seem very excited about the ability to copy-paste building settings. I’ve not played Satisfactory, but I’ve played enough games like it to know how small additions like that can make a huge difference. Satisfactory’s update 4 will launch officially on April 13th, but is available to play now on the Epic Games Store and on Steam via the game’s experimental branch.