By the time you’re reading this post, I’ll have probably grabbed my board for a bit of skating myself. So, let’s start this week’s screenshot rundown in kind with some gnarly tricks. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Paul Schnepf (@__hyperparadise) November 28, 2020 As much as I’m enjoying tailgrind throwback Tony Hawks’ Pro Skater 1 + 2, I’m equally excited for a newer wave of games taking skateboarding to whole new visual styles. Already pumped as hell for was Skate Story’s crystalline hellscape, now we have developer Paul Schnepf’s pastel-painted half-pipe - a laid-back vert session that seems to ask: Would Monument Valley have been better if it could do kickflips? I reckon so, yeah. Make sure to wear a helmet, mind. I’d hate to see you all end up like these colossal skull pals hanging around with the tops of their heads lopped off. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Cobysoft Joe (@cobysoftco) November 28, 2020 I remain obsessed with Dome-King Cabbage’s entire vibe, a toy-like dreamscape with incredible physicality. Today’s shot is a far cry from jeans and bobbleheads, mind, crafting a very peculiar body-horror cloudscape for Cobysoft’s monster-collecting visual novel. But there’s still a remarkably tactile look to the whole thing. I can feel my hands running through every cloud and across every surface - and the skeletons, honestly, feel a bit gross. But, it’s time to get our head out of the clouds and crash-land on Blamyvog’s barmy bog. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Blamyvog (@drycoughstudio) November 28, 2020 An extraterrestrial point ’n’ click from Dry Cough Studios, Blamyvog sees a pair of scientists crash-land on one of No Man’s Sky’s quintillions of mushroom-addled purple planets. While this week’s landscape shot won’t show it, a scroll through the developer’s feed reveals a screwball comedy with plenty of lovely little puzzles and interfaces to tinker with. And hey, if that sounds up your street, there’s a free demo to try out over on Itch. I’m like, 99% sure the dialogue in our next piece is placeholder. But god, I’m holding out for that 1% to pull through. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Blabberf (@Blabberf) November 28, 2020 The next game from Gun Rounds developer Blabberf carries over many of that deckbuilding shooter’s best elements (sharp pixel art and a brave disregard for landscape resolutions). Here, however, it looks like we have a more traditional dungeon-crawler with an oppressive, moodier vibe - a vibe that is delightfully thrown out the window by my thick-browed new best friend. As one final bonus - animation frames, who needs ’em? To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Joost Eggermont (@aJoostEggermont) November 28, 2020 I’m still no closer to working out what it is, exactly, Joost Eggermont is making. But I’ll happily watch this artist cobble together hyper-stylish transit and rain-stricken bogs until the end of time.