“Awoken from stasis by an automated AI, you are expected to complete a very special test course. Within the depths of Aperture Science, secluded from the rest of the facility, lies a previously unknown and long forgotten testing track,” says Portal Reloaded’s creator. “This mod is targeted at portal veterans, who are familiar with the gameplay of the main series and want to expand their horizons.” After looking at the Portal Reloaded trailer, I definitely believe it’s for pros. If you need a bit of a primer on how time traveling objects work, Portal Reloaded’s creator put togther a few other videos to introduce the concepts visually. For instance, a cube in the future timeline can be moved without affecting its past self, but a cube moved in the present will affect the future. Because of that, you can’t bring a cube in the present through a portal to the future but you can bring a cube from the future through a portal to the past. I hope that all makes sense to you lot. I mean it makes sense to me, but I know I’ll just wind up staring at my screen when I attempt to put it into practice. I’m always up for a good puzzle game but I admit that I’ve always gotten rather stymied by Portal. Spacial reasoning is not one of my puzzle strengths. Portal Reloaded looks like one of those neat creations that I’ll choose to experience by watching folks smarter than me play it. If you’re a veteran Aperture Scientist, you can find Portal Reloaded over on Steam to see if you can escape the lab again.